Merriwa | David Lee Pereira

Merriwa Silo Art by David Lee Pereira

David Lee Pereira

One day I'd like to make a list for these Silos with a counter to count the ones I've visited and where, chronologically, they appear by completion date. The NSW government website lists the Merriwa Silo as the 29th Silo to be completed with a completion date of the 23rd of April, 2019.

This was the first of three items, that I know of, David Pereira has painted for the Silo Art Trail. The artist has completed two Silos (Merriva and Kaniva) and a small water tank (Wildwood)

The Merino sheep Pereira has depicted here is a nod to Merriwa's annual sheep running event held during Merriwa's 'Festival of the Fleeces'. The story goes a sponsor, unable to donate one year, gifted the festival with some red socks. The socks were put on the sheep before the running event to pay tribute to their sponsor and add a sense of whimsy to the race. It's been a thing ever since.

You can view the Silo from Hacketts Rd :)
