Skipping a head

 After Christmas I returned home and didn't have much motivation to sort photos. My blog is so far behind where I am today that the mental gymnastics to catch up just exhausts me. 

For those who don't know I'm also a contributor for Street Art Cities. I nominated myself last year to update the Townsville area but never made much of a start because I wanted to update their map as I updated my blog. Despite only having 6 days worth of content left there's a good 600 photos for each day and I'm loosing interest in starting. 

To fix this I've decided to skip ahead to complete Townsville. It's a big town with a lot of art so I'll post when I can but hopefully it'll be frequently as most work nights when I finish early I can delve into this a l little now that life has calmed down and in a few weeks my 1 year old will be in daycare once a week. 

For those that prefer a list this blog will be handy but for those that prefer an interactive map; look up Townsville on Street Art Cities.

From Townsville I'll skip the few NSW trips and the SA trip to delve into Katherine, NT. I've been here for almost 2 months now and still havent photographed anything despite how much content there is here. Smashing out Townsville is my incentive to begin publishing things that are new and exciting again. 

I will hopefully, at some point in time get back to posting older trips but for now I need to work on something a bit fresher.
