Bendigo | Alex Seton

Bendigo Public Art |  'Sometimes the dead are more alive than the living' by Alex SetonBendigo Public Art | 'Sometimes the dead are more alive than the living' by Alex Seton

Alex Seton |

Alex Seton has made a lot of wonderful art that I've had the priveledged of visiting. If you're ever in AlburyGoulburn or Canberra be sure to check out his other artworks. 

This sculpture is located at the Bendigo Art Gallery so I've listed it as Public Art rather than Kitsch despite it suiting both tags. 

It's officially titled 'Sometimes the dead are more alive than the living' and was a 2017 creation. 
It was purchased by the Bendigo Art Gallery in 2018 a few weeks before Halloween to coincide with an exhibition. Like most of Setons work the sculpture was carved from Wombeyan marble.

Be sure to walk around the Bendigo Art Gallery. There's a wonderful area at the rear of the premise that has another two sculptures which I strongly recommend 
