Revesby | The Flying Kiwi

Street Art
Revesby Street Art | Mural by The Flying Kiwi

Revesby Street Art | Mural by The Flying Kiwi
The Flying Kiwi

There were two other murals in this lane that due to cars and terrible angles I failed to take viable photographs of. 

It was a really fun lane, that had me looking in every crevice expecting to find a surprise of some sort. 

One of Revesby's best kept secrets?

Revesby Street Art | Mural by The Flying KiwiRevesby Street Art | Mural by The Flying KiwiRevesby Street Art | Mural by The Flying Kiwi


  1. is this the same "flying kiwi" that is in Sale, Manchester in the UK?

    1. The artist is a New Zealander who I believe lives in Sydney, Australia. He likes to tag both Sydney, AUS, Manchester, UK and Auckland, NZ in his socials. It's annoying esp as he doesn't list suburbs or cities when posting and you're left wondering which hashtag you should be snooping in to actually find his work


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