Prevelly | Russell Sheridan

Lets take the time to paws a moment.

Prevelly Public Art | The Stick by Russell Sheridan in Riflebutt Park

Russell Sheridan

A tribute to mans best friend! This strange sculpture is apparently loved by dogs as well as humans and can be found in Riflebutt Park, Prevelly, WA

Titled 'The Stick' and created by Russell Sheridan the sculpture of man and best mate was constructed via concrete and composite fire.

'The Stick' has been amusing dogs, small children and childlike adults since its installation back in 2013.

Russell Sheridan is also the creator of the 'Timothee Vasse' aka the Lost at Sea sculpture in Vasse, Fergus the Bull near Millbridge and this weird Bull with a human unicycling on it .. I cant even... Its in Dardanup.
