Launceston | Flowers

Flower Sculpture at the Launceston General Hospital | Launceston Public Art
Unknown Artist

For a long time I had these delightful sculptures listed as Kitsch. They look life African Daisies which come in all sorts of colors but the yellow& purple variant is unmistakable. 

They feature is the ambulance bay of the Launceston General Hospital as a means to likely bring a little color and cheer to it's otherwise negative image associated with hospitals and emergencies.

They're a great deal bigger than an African Daisy but considering it's placement and it's intent to bring a sense of peace and calm rather than tourists. I'll tag this with a Public Art label as well as kitsch

Flower Sculpture at the Launceston General Hospital | Launceston Public ArtFlower Sculpture at the Launceston General Hospital | Launceston Public Art
