Eaglehawk Neck | Blue Seal

 His fate may be sealed

BIG Blue Seal Sculpture in Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania

BIG Blue Seal Sculpture in Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania
Blue Seal

Call me crazy but prior to my visit I was aware the Blue Seal sat aloft a Cafe. When I visited however there was nothing to indicate this and the sin in the window stated the premise was now a private residence.

I had the impression people kept knocking on the door to inquire or made too much noise while taking selfies. I also suspected with the collapse of the business the blue seal would eventually disappear. While making this post I googled the place out of curiosity and the cafe appears to be in operation with a brand new paint job for our friend here.  I'm confused.

📍 Blue Seal Cafe, Eaglehawk Neck
