Burwood - Mike Watt, Gina & Tom Deams

Burwood Street Art | Mike Watt, Gina & Tom Deams

Mike Watt, Gina & Tom Deams
Titled 'Chess in the Park' this is likely the first mural you'll come across if getting to Burwood by train. Excitedly, this was my last walk by foot. As of last night I became the proud owner of an electric scooter to help me on my art journey. They're not quite legal in NSW yet so if you contemplate buying one be sure to do some research

This is a style by Mike Watt I'm not use to and it really threw me to take in the wall. He has another commission in Burwood on some bollards but I ran out of time to visit them and will have to incorporate them into my Strathfield explore.

📍 Crn: Railway Prd & Burwood Rd, Burwood
