Tarcutta | Will Maguire

 Either Will Maguire has an avid fan or Tacutta has a rather eccentric resident.

I've been to Tarcutta three times now on my way back and forth to Albury this year and it never fails to amuse me. This is the second time I've photographed this sculpture. The second time I was lucky enough to have no cars in the back ground and was able to take a clear shot.

Every time I photograph this sculpture I'd had to take of a cat mask from one of these sculptures

Tarcutta Public Art | Will Maguire

I didn't notice until looking for a photo to post but the first time I went it was on the child. I took it off and left it hanging from a near by tree branch but the second time I had to remove it from the adult males face. Someone has also duct taped the Australian Flag to their hands.

Check the photos below for local shenanigans.

Tarcutta Public Art | Will Maguire
Mask on child
Tarcutta Public Art | Will Maguire
Mask on man

📍 Median Strip near Paddy Osbourne Park
